Missouri Drug Card Media Center

CoxHealth Receives Support from Missouri Drug Card and United Networks of America

On August 22, 2018 Missouri Drug Card partnered with CoxHealth in Branson, Missouri to help sponsor and launch the Walmart Children’s Miracle Network campaign. There were over 200 people in attendance from Walmart. There were store managers, district managers, store clerks and people who work at some of the distribution centers. Also in attendance were two of their champion children. Missouri Drug Card was able to set up a table and talk about the program, along with presenting a short presentation about Missouri Drug Card. Missouri Drug Card also took this time to present a check for $2,766.85 to CoxHealth. Missouri Drug Card is excited to support kids across the state of Missouri and helping families save money on their prescriptions at your local Walmart stores. Please keep in mind that each time a prescription is processed through the Missouri Drug Card a donation will be given to your local CMN hospital.

Since 2015, the United Networks of America partnership with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has raised over $2.4 million dollars for local children’s hospitals. Of this, $2,766.85 has been raised for CoxHealth.
United Networks of America is one of the largest providers of value added managed care products and services in the United States. Since 1993, United Networks of America has continued to grow its network to more than 240,000 participating providers serving more than 120.1 million members across the United States of America, Puerto Rico, Guam, and U.S. Virgin Islands. The diverse membership base is a testament to the versatility and value of those networks. United Networks of America clients include TPA’s, insurance companies, associations, universities, federal and state governments, school systems, large employers, among others. Each year, United Networks of America programs continue to receive the highest rankings in the country among value added programs. For more information on United Networks of America please click here

Missouri Drug Card, Powered by United Networks of America, Presents Donation to Freeman Health System

In the photo from left to right:
Deborah Oglesby, Development Programs and Events Specialist
Shelby Shores- CMN Champion
Rebecca Argilagos, Program Representative Missouri Drug Card
Heather Lesmeister- Children’s Miracle Network Program Director
Champions – triplets – Reagan, Lauren and Addison Harper
Missouri Drug Card presented a donation to Freeman Health System in Missouri. Rebecca Argilagos, the Missouri Drug Card representative, had the opportunity to spend some time with some of their hospital’s champions. Rebecca also spent time talking with the kids and learning how CMN was a true help to them and their families. Missouri Drug Card is a proud supporter of Freeman Health System and a donation will be made to your local CMN hospital each time a prescription is processed using the Missouri Drug Card.
Since 2015, the United Networks of America partnership with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has raised over $2.4 million dollars for local children’s hospitals. Of this, $1,071.10 has been raised for Freeman Health System.
United Networks of America is one of the largest providers of value added managed care products and services in the United States. Since 1993, United Networks of America has continued to grow its network to more than 240,000 participating providers serving more than 120.1 million members across the United States of America, Puerto Rico, Guam, and U.S. Virgin Islands. The diverse membership base is a testament to the versatility and value of those networks. United Networks of America clients include TPA’s, insurance companies, associations, universities, federal and state governments, school systems, large employers, among others. Each year, United Networks of America programs continue to receive the highest rankings in the country among value added programs. For more information on United Networks of America please click here

Missouri Drug Card Presents Donation to St. Louis Children's Hospital

Natalie Meyer-Missouri Drug Card Program Director, Krista Lucy- Executive Director, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals of Greater St. Louis, Missy Jaycox- Missouri Drug Card representative.
Unlike many CMN organizations Children’s Miracle Network of Greater St. Louis provides funding for both St. Louis Children’s Hospital and Cardinal Glennon Hospital in St. Louis. We have had the chance to tour both hospitals but on this day Missouri Drug Card presented a check that will help provide life-saving treatment and advance the mission of the hospitals in supports.
*Donation amount represents total donations since 2016.
United Networks of America is one of the largest providers of value added managed care products and services in the United States. Since 1993, United Networks of America has continued to grow its network to more than 240,000 participating providers serving more than 120.1 million members across the United States of America, Puerto Rico, Guam, and U.S. Virgin Islands. The diverse membership base is a testament to the versatility and value of those networks. United Networks of America clients include TPA’s, insurance companies, associations, universities, federal and state governments, school systems, large employers, among others. Each year, United Networks of America programs continue to receive the highest rankings in the country among value added programs. For more information on United Networks of America please click here